There's something beautiful about the world and its people. Even in all of its difference, there is the ephemeral semblance of beauty. This is due to the passion of life and culture and how it affects us all.
The world is built upon many different things. From customs, cultures, practices, and lifestyles, the world composes itself of pure individuality and culture. Every sector of the world may be alien to us, yet that is what builds it up to be so glorious. And even in this, we see how everyone affects one another; it is this that levels us out to one another.
Sociology is the refined interest in the world. It is the study, the interest in the captivation, and the scientific ability to recognize human interaction. Sociology studies social trends, phenomena, behaviors, and many other aspects of culture and humanity that allows us to create ourselves as a social world. Furthermore, these studies help us as a society. We progress, grow, accept, and move on; we build up and become worldly.
Perhaps Carl Sandburg said it best in his contemporary look at the words that bind us.
THERE are no handles upon a language
Whereby men take hold of it
And mark it with signs for its remembrance.
It is a river, this language,
Once in a thousand years
Breaking a new course
Changing its way to the ocean.
It is mountain effluvia
Moving to valleys
And from nation to nation
Crossing borders and mixing.
Languages die like rivers.
Words wrapped round your tongue today
And broken to shape of thought
Between your teeth and lips speaking
Now and today
Shall be faded hieroglyphics
Ten thousand years from now.
Sing--and singing--remember
Your song dies and changes
And is not here to-morrow
Any more than the wind
Blowing ten thousand years ago.