Many of these current sociological issues enter our world. They seep in and remain around; some creative massive strife while others are subtle. They have remained in our world for ages and while there are valiant attempts to remedy these issues, some cannot be dispersed so easily. However, we must constantly try to help with these problems. Primarily, I wish to speak about the issue of major poverty amongst the world and with ethnic, sexuality-based, and racial duress and discrimination.

First, with poverty. As seen throughout much of the world, poverty is rampant. It exists everywhere, including in the United States. While more mainstream in other countries, it is very serious here. Considerably, it is predicted that around 13-17% of American's live beneath the poverty line; that is to say, around 40 million American's live in poverty. And this is just in our own country. Think of the countless other countries that have less than those in the US, which is one of the most wealthy countries on the planet. And while there are major plans to try and help those around the world, many wonder what truly can end poverty. So, that does ask many questions. How much of the world suffers from these forms of poverty? What can we as individuals do to help? What can we as a country do to help? And while I do not have nearly enough answers, I can say that we simply need to help out with whatever we can. First and foremost, you can spread the word about poverty. Raising awareness itself could lead to tremendous results. Perhaps if we were all aware of the conditions of poverty, we as a society would be more proactive to combat it. One could also donate to countless organizations or put up percentages of their income towards others. These can also help with poverty, easily. Hopefully one day, we will all be able to see beyond ourselves and truly help all in need.

Secondly, we look at the rising disdain and aggression towards those of other creed, race, ethnicity, and sexuality. Such hatred has been rising these days, especially towards those of different ethnicity, such as Muslims, and minority groups, such as gays and lesbians. We see groups rising up to combat many of the rights that these individuals deserve, religious or otherwise. As well, due to many different outliers, such as the War in the Middle East, there is an increase in suspicion and hatred towards those of Middle Eastern descent. As spoken over earlier, racial profiling comes into play in these case. These predisposed ideas form up and then physically act upon others. And with gay rights, there are those major conservative-based groups that display general dislike and try to stop these rights. In all honesty, it's hard to change certain opinions that many have towards others. Yet, those opinions and feelings should not hinder human rights. If anything, we should allow them and be willing to see them as equal, so that those who dislike these different groups can warm up to them. We have to allow cooperation to help progress ourselves; for if we do, we can allow ourselves to live peacefully amongst one another.
It is hard to say where these issues will head. But, if we try to do something about them, we can make a different and eventually start the process that will lead to ending such discrimination or poverty, or other mass problems that the world faces. It's only a matter of time.